Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why I broke up with the elephant

I have been asked by an old friend to write a small dissertation on how I went from becoming a GOP cheerleader to a harsh critic and seemingly insane leftist. I shall try my best here.

For a few years now, I had become disillusioned with Republicans as a political party -- not conservative/libertarianism in general, but with the party as led by Bush. I was not a fan of his social conservatism, and after a few years in office, it became apparent that he was not fiscally conservative. The only thing he had going for him was a willingness to use lethal force to remove terror threats abroad...and for that alone, I continued to support him.

Then, two things happened that caused me to rethink things. One, the economy collapsed, and two, I started to consider that maybe I was wrong about supporting war in Iraq and/or Afghanistan.

Now, Ronald Reagan has long been one of my heroes. Among his many alluring, powerful statements was the quip that "government is not the solution. government is the problem." For most of my adult life, this has been the guiding force behind my politics; indeed the sentiment carried over into my relationships, my religious thoughts -- really, any realm involving power and control.

When the economy collapsed, and it came to be known that it was unchecked, under-regulated banking interests who (one could argue purposefully, but at least greedily) destroyed the economy (at significant profit to some), well, that caused me to rethink things once more.

Here are my thoughts:

Our republic works because the power is divided and shared. The courts, the congress, the executive branch; none can dominate the other, each has a check over the other.

Modern day corporations upset this balance. They wield tremendous power over our lives -- they are, in essence, an unelected and un-recallable government. And it is for this reason that I have come to see that Mr. Reagan was wrong. Government is not the problem, unless your interest is in raping the american people for every cent. Government IS the solution, because it is government alone that can reign in and regulate away the power that private business has claimed for itself. Only government can restore the balance between citizens and their lives.

It is for this reason that I have chosen to back Barack Obama, and a soft liberal-socialism in general principle. I believe he represents a philosophy that understands that business exists now, not as a mere provider of employment, but as a quasi-government -- and its power must be regulated or removed, and returned to the people whenever possible.

This is why I support a public health care plan. This is why I support public armies (not private contractors; that is abhorrent). That is why I support public hospitals and fire departments and schools and police stations and universities and research facilities.

The profit motive is good for many things...and is functionally invalid and morally false in so many other realms. The republicans do not and cannot accept this fact...which is why they have lost my support. After 23 years of membership, I am no longer affiliated with those people.

And that, Heather, is why I support Barack Obama.

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